Breast Enlargement in Stockholm with Dr. Oya

If you’re considering breast enlargement, Strandkliniken in Stockholm is the place for you. We offer a personal and safe experience that helps you achieve your goals with a more feminine and proportionate look. At our clinic, you will consult and be operated on by Dr. Oya, one of Sweden’s leading female plastic surgeons in breast enlargement. With over twenty-five years of experience and thousands of completed operations, you can feel safe in her hands. With Dr. Oya, the risk of complications is extremely low and the results are well-spoken of. Strandkliniken is a long-established clinic with high safety, modern technology, approved operating rooms by the Region, and staff with long experience.Fixed price between 43,000 to 45,000 depending on implant size and type.Dr. Oya is a prominent plastic surgeon who understands the specific physical and emotional challenges women may face, contributing to a more satisfying experience for the patient. Since 2002, she has always placed the implant behind the muscle and used high-quality Mentor breast implants with a lifetime guarantee. She helps you make well-informed decisions about the size and type of implant and also offers breast enlargement with fat transfer.

(A very small proportion of patients at Strandkliniken experience problems with capsule contraction after breast enlargement surgery – only about 3 out of 100. This statistic underscores the importance of choosing an experienced surgeon and clinic for such procedures. Dr. Oya at Strandkliniken, with her specific surgical techniques, care standards, and the choice of Mentor implants, seems to have a lower frequency of capsule contraction compared to the average reported in broader studies.

The risk of capsule contraction varies considerably based on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s technique and experience, the type and placement of the implant, the patient’s individual healing response, and subsequent care and adherence to postoperative instructions. It is important to note that there is a certain risk of capsule contraction after all breast implant surgeries, but the risk can be minimized by following good clinical practice and postoperative instructions.)

Contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. Oya and take the first step. Call 08-21 91 91 or send an email to You can also easily and conveniently book time for a video consultation or at the clinic via BokaDirekt.

We have long experience with implants and have only ever used Mentor breast implants, never anything else, since Strandklinik’s inception in 2001. Mentor is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of implants, has very good quality, and provides a lifetime guarantee on the implants. It is important to emphasize that the choice of implant is crucial for a successful and safe result. Always check that the implants used are FDA-approved in the USA, regardless of which clinic you choose for your breast enlargement. FDA-approved implants offer a higher safety standard and better quality guarantees. There is no reason to choose non-approved implants just because they may be cheaper. You will have your implants for many years, so it is important to invest in quality and safety.

As we always strive to give our patients the highest possible safety and quality of treatments, we want to draw attention to the importance of choosing a reliable and stable implant manufacturer. Recently, Ideal Implant Incorporated, a manufacturer of breast implants, went bankrupt, resulting in their guarantees ceasing to apply. This highlights the importance of choosing FDA-approved implants from established and financially stable manufacturers. At Strandkliniken, we only use implants from reputable manufacturers like Mentor, which offers a lifetime guarantee and represents the highest safety and quality.

What can breast enlargement do for you?

Breast enlargement can:

  • Increase the fullness and projection of your breasts
  • Improve the balance between breast and hip contours
  • Give you an increased self-image and confidence
  • Be used as part of breast reconstruction after mastectomy or injury.

The Rice Method for Choosing Size in Breast Enlargement

At Strandkliniken, we use a unique and creative method to help you choose the perfect size for your breast enlargement – the rice method. This is a simple and effective way to visualize your desired breast size before surgery. Here’s how it works:

Choose a Bra: Start by buying a bra in the size you are considering.
Fill with Rice: Use plastic bags or thin socks filled with rice to fill the bra cups.
Adjust the Amount: Add or remove rice to achieve the desired fullness. Use decilitre measurements to measure the amount of rice, where one decilitre of rice corresponds to approximately 100 cubic centimetres (cc) in implant size.
Try Different Clothes: Wear the bra with the rice filling under different types of clothes to see how you are comfortable with the size.
Make a Well-Informed Decision: This method gives you a realistic preview of how your breast size might change, facilitating the decision about implant size.
The rice method is

a proven tool that is appreciated by our patients for its simplicity and effectiveness. It helps you make a well-informed and secure decision about your breast enlargement.

What can’t breast enlargement do?

Breast enlargement cannot correct severely sagging breasts. In such cases, a breast enlargement may need to be combined with a breast lift to give the breasts a fuller and uplifted shape.

Breast lift and breast enlargement can often be done at the same time, but it is also possible to do them at separate times. Your plastic surgeon can help you decide which option is best for you.

You might consider breast enlargement if you:

  • are healthy and not pregnant or nursing
  • have realistic expectations
  • have fully developed breasts
  • feel uncomfortable about the size of your breasts
  • are dissatisfied with the loss of shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or ageing
  • experience a sense of emptiness in the upper part of the chest
  • have asymmetrical breasts.
    Before undergoing a breast enlargement operation, it is appropriate to investigate possible results and expectations of recovery. This will contribute to a smoother recovery and reasonable expectations.

Breast enlargement is a surgery with a significant impact on your life. Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and ensure that it is a decision made for oneself, not for anyone else. Most women can have a breast enlargement, but certain health and psychological factors can affect how satisfied they are with the result. A breast enlargement is not the answer to all of life’s problems.

What can I expect during a consultation for breast enlargement?
During your consultation be prepared to discuss:

  • Why you want to have breast enlargement, your expectations, and desired result
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies, and previous medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
  • Family history of breast cancer and results of mammograms or previous biopsies
    Your plastic surgeon will also:
  • Evaluate your general health status and any existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Examine and measure your breasts, including detailed measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, and the placement of your nipples and areolas
  • Discuss your options and recommend a treatment plan
  • Discuss likely outcomes of breast enlargement and any risks or potential complications
    What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about breast enlargement?
    What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about breast reduction?

Prepare for the consultation by:

  • Writing down all your symptoms with a timeline, medications, and health history, so you can talk about your problems systematically.
  • Writing a list of your questions.
  • Informing about your health and any health problems.
  • Asking questions and demanding answers.
  • Reading your medical records and bringing a copy or requesting access to them.
  • Bringing a friend so they can support you.
    Suggestions for questions to ask:
  • Am I a good candidate for breast enlargement or breast reduction?
  • What is expected of me to achieve the best results?
  • How is the operation done?
  • What shape, size, surface of the implant?
  • Where will the incision be placed?
  • How long can I expect the recovery period to be, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • How are complications handled?
  • How many additional implant-related surgeries can I expect over my lifetime?
  • How will my ability to breastfeed be affected?
  • How can I expect my implanted breasts to look over time? After pregnancy? After breastfeeding?
  • What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my implanted breasts?
  • How will my breasts look if I choose to remove the implants in the future?
  • Do you have breast enlargement before and after pictures I can look at for this procedure and what results are reasonable for me?
  • What types of breast implants are available?
    Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Form-stable implants are sometimes called gummy bear breast implants because they retain their shape even when the implant shell is broken.

The consistency of the silicone gel inside the implant is thicker than traditional silicone gel implants. These implants are also firmer than traditional implants.

Shaped gummy bear breast implants have more projection at the bottom and are tapered towards the top. If a shaped implant rotates, it can lead to an unusual appearance of the breast that requires a separate procedure to correct.

The placement of gummy bear implants requires a slightly longer incision in the skin.

Round Breast Implants

Round breast implants tend to make breasts appear fuller than form-stable implants. Higher profile options can achieve even more projection.

Because round implants have the same shape all over, there’s less concern about them rotating out of place.

Smooth Breast Implants

Smooth breast implants are the softest feeling. They can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement.

Smooth implants may have some palpable or visible rippling under the skin.

Textured Breast Implants

Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to adhere to the implant, making them less likely to move inside the breast and become repositioned.

Texturing offers a certain advantage in reducing the risk of a tight scar capsule.

*It is important to note that breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) most commonly occurs in patients who have breast implants with textured surfaces. Discuss all the benefits and risks related to your breast implant surgery with your plastic surgeon. Understanding all potential risk factors assists in better decision-making that is best for you and your health.

Implant manufacturers sometimes introduce new styles and types of breast implants, so there may be additional options available.

Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, it is important for you to monitor your breast implants and follow up with your plastic surgeon for appropriate check-ups.

What are the risks of breast augmentation?

The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal. You must weigh whether the benefits compared to the risks and potential complications of breast augmentation are acceptable.

Your plastic surgeon will explain the risks of surgery in detail.

Possible risks of breast augmentation surgery include:

  • Risks of anaesthesia
  • Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
  • Bleeding
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Formation of tight scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)
  • Haematoma
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Infection
  • Persistent pain
  • Poor scarring
  • Possibility of revision surgery
  • Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
  • Incorrect or unsatisfactory placement of the implant
  • Be sure to ask questions: It is very important to address all your questions directly with your plastic surgeon.

Safety of Breast Implants

FDA-approved breast implants undergo extensive testing to demonstrate reasonable safety and effectiveness. The vast majority of people with breast implants experience no serious complications. However, there are risks associated with breast implants, including breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and systemic symptoms commonly referred to as breast implant illness (BII) that some patients attribute to their implants, which may include fatigue, “brain fog”, muscle or joint pain, and rash. If any complications arise, patients should consult a plastic surgeon to address it in time. Similarly, if a patient wants to have breast implants removed – for any reason – she should consult her plastic surgeon.

Other important considerations:

  • Breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and future surgery may be required to replace one or both implants
  • Pregnancy, weight loss, and menopause can affect the appearance of augmented breasts over your lifetime
  • Breast augmentation requires regular examinations of your breast health and to assess the condition of your breast implants
  • How should I prepare for breast augmentation?
  • When preparing for breast augmentation, you may be asked to:
  • Take a blood test
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as they can increase bleeding
  • You will be given written instructions about:
  • What to do on the day of surgery
  • Postoperative care and follow-up
  • You should arrange for a friend or family member to pick you up after the surgery and stay with you the first night.

Breast Augmentation – How is it done?

A breast augmentation includes the following steps:

Step 1 – Anaesthesia

Medication is given for your comfort during the surgical procedure.

Step 2 – The incision

Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. You and your plastic surgeon will discuss which incision options are appropriate for your desired outcome. Incision options include: along the areolar edge and the fold under the breast.

Incisions vary based on the type of breast implant, the desired degree of enlargement, your specific anatomy, and patient-surgeon preference.

Step 3 – Inserting and placing the breast implant

After the incision, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either:

  • Beneath the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement)
  • Directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a submammary/subglandular placement)
  • The method for inserting and placing the breast implant depends on the type of implant, the desired degree of enlargement, your body type, and your surgeon’s recommendations.

Step 4 – Closing the incisions

The incision is closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue and with sutures or surgical tape.

Over time, the incision lines will fade. The quality of the scar depends on many things, including your genetics, your body’s exposure to nicotine, and infection.

Step 5 – See the results

The results of breast augmentation are immediately visible.

What can I expect after breast augmentation?

After surgery,

your breasts will be wrapped in bandages and you may be given a support bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.

Before you leave the clinic, you will be given specific postoperative instructions for your recovery and a time for a follow-up visit. You may also be given medications or a prescription. Your prescribed medications may include painkillers and an antibiotic to prevent infection.

You will receive both oral and written instructions about your aftercare. It is important to follow all your plastic surgeon’s advice carefully.

Since it is possible to bleed into the pockets around the breast implants during the first few days, take it easy until you have permission to increase your activity level. Acute pain usually subsides after one to five days, but you may experience tenderness and swelling for several weeks. Resume exercise and normal activity as per your plastic surgeon’s instructions.

What results should I expect after breast augmentation?

While breast augmentation provides larger breasts immediately, the final results may take a few weeks as swelling subsides and the skin stretches. Scars can take several months, even a couple of years, to fade.

For optimal results, follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions and return for follow-up visits as planned.

Breast Implant Replacement

Breast implants are not considered to last a lifetime. They may need to be replaced.

Over time, your breasts will change due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal factors, and gravity. As the appearance of their breasts changes over time, some patients may need a breast lift or an implant exchange.