After a Surgery

Instructions about post-operative care and when you can shower will be given to you both orally and in writing before you are discharged.

Take it easy during the first few days but move around, as sitting or lying still increases the risk of blood clots and lung infections. Move carefully.

You may experience some nausea during the first few days. Contact the clinic if it does not subside.

Some medications can cause constipation. Try prunes and/or laxatives that you can buy at the pharmacy.


Your first follow-up visit will be one to two weeks after the surgery. During this visit, the healing process is checked, and you will receive advice for continued care. If necessary, more follow-up visits will be scheduled.

Usually, you will have three follow-up visits. The first, 1-2 weeks after the surgery. You will receive the appointment on the day of the surgery along with post-operative care instructions and a pain relief schedule.

We do not call for your second visit, 6 months after the surgery, you need to book it yourself.

The final visit is one year later. You also need to book this visit yourself. It is important that you attend these follow-up visits. It is during these visits that the plastic surgeon assesses whether any correction needs to be made.


It may take a few weeks before the skin heals completely. It usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks before you can resume your normal routines.

You will get bruises after the surgery. They usually disappear within one to two weeks. You will experience swelling. The swelling decreases after 2-3 months depending on the procedure.

Operations on different areas done at the same time (e.g., right and left breast or right and left eyelid) usually heal at different rates on each side. It is common for the pain or swelling to vary in extent. Few people are symmetrical in their body parts, so some asymmetry may remain even after surgery.

It is relatively common for some areas to have altered sensation or numbness after surgery (especially below the navel after abdominoplasty). This changed sensation or numbness can be permanent.

Wounds heal faster for some patients and take longer for others. Give the healing process time. It can take a long time, in special cases up to a year. The scars that form will not disappear completely even though they fade. The wounds itch as they heal.

Follow the recommendations given by your surgeon regarding, for example, massage, use of moisturizing creams, etc. Read the post-care instructions carefully! Contact us if you are missing the post-operative instructions.


Avoid exercising for the first month. For larger operations, you may need more time to recover. If you need a certificate to freeze your gym membership, we can arrange it. No certificates are issued before the surgery.

Be careful when you start exercising. Remember that you are recently operated. Listen to your body, not your will.

Avoid swimming/bathing as long as you have an open wound, wait at least a month after surgery.


Do not bathe in a bathtub or the sea for the first month and as long as there are scabs or wounds remaining. Avoid sauna baths for the first three months.


Avoid sunbathing the surgical area for the first three months after surgery. Thereafter, use sunscreen SPF 35 and above on the scars when you are in the sun.


If you start bleeding, get a fever, or are in a lot of pain, contact Dr. Oya directly at +46709802232. There is a risk of bleeding and infection with all surgeries.

If she is unable to answer when you call, send an SMS with information about what it is about, and she will call back as soon as she can.

Note: For appointments, cancellations, certificates, and other questions, contact us at 08-21 91 91 or