Tummy tuck, also known as Tummy Tuck, is a surgical treatment aimed at improving the appearance of the abdominal area. By removing excess fat and skin and restoring weakened or separated muscles, you can achieve a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. This surgery is available in Stockholm.

There are not many clinics that perform tummy tucks and even fewer that are skilled in tummy tucks. Dr Oya is skilled. It is a major operation and you sleep over with us.

Usually, exercise and weight control are the first solution for those who want a flatter stomach. But sometimes it may not be enough. People with normal weight and proportions can still suffer from a slack and protruding abdomen due to ageing, heredity, pregnancy, previous operations or large weight gains and losses.

People who have been severely overweight and lost weight can get excess slack skin on the abdomen. The skin retains its expanded shape and unfortunately does not always contract after weight loss. The skin hangs and is operated away.

A patient who had a major tummy tuck, at Strandkliniken, reduced his weight by 6.5 kg at the operation and got a completely new body shape. The patient woke up after the operation and asked in surprise – where have I gone.

It is important to note that tummy tuck is not a solution for weight loss or a replacement for a training program. The results are permanent, but can be affected by large weight changes, so patients planning to lose weight or women considering future pregnancies should consider postponing treatment. Tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, but can reduce them in the areas where excess skin is removed.

Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck? Tummy tuck is a very personal procedure and you should do it for yourself and have realistic expectations. You should be healthy, have a stable weight, be a non-smoker and worried about the appearance of your abdominal area.

What can I expect during a consultation for tummy tuck? During a consultation for tummy tuck, you should be prepared to discuss your surgical goals, medical history and medications, and previous operations. Your plastic surgeon will also assess your health status, discuss treatment options, recommend a treatment plan and inform about expected results and risks.

It is important to be open and honest during the consultation. If you are significantly overweight, you are not a candidate for a tummy tuck. Tummy tuck is often done after a stomach surgery, “gastric banding”, “gastric bypass”, obesity surgery, or weight loss.

There are two options for a tummy tuck – a major operation where skin and tissue are loosened up to the rib cage, the navel gets a new “hole”, the abdominal muscles are tightened and excess skin is removed, or a minor operation where only excess skin is removed below the navel. It is important that you discuss your expectations with your plastic surgeon to determine which type of operation is most suitable for you.

After a tummy tuck, it is common to feel tired and sore for a few days. You will likely need to take it easy and avoid physical activity for at least two weeks. You may also need to wear a support bandage or compression clothing during this time to support the operated area and help minimize swelling and pain.

Follow carefully the instructions you receive before and after the operation. Inform us if you are taking any medication. Avoid strong sunbathing of the abdomen a few weeks before surgery, as well as strict diet and abstain from alcohol.

You should also be prepared for it to take up to a couple of months to fully recover from surgery and to see the final result. Your plastic surgeon will give you more specific instructions on what to expect during your recovery.

Can there be any complications with a tummy tuck? Like all surgery, there is a risk of complications with a tummy tuck. Common complications include bleeding, infection, formation of blood clots, allergic reaction to anaesthetic or sutures, and specific complications related to surgery in the abdominal area.

Your risks and potential complications should be discussed carefully with your plastic surgeon during the consultation. You should also follow all instructions to avoid problems and ensure a successful recovery.

A little for patients who have undergone obesity surgery:
When you have lost weight through obesity surgery, you often get large excesses of skin. If the excess skin constitutes a medically defined problem by the Region, the Region finances the plastic surgery, otherwise not. The Region has criteria for defining whether it is a medical problem or not.

We operate on both patients who have undergone obesity surgery financed by the Region and patients who finance themselves.

Summary: Tummy tuck is a surgical treatment that removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles in the abdominal area to create a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. It is not a solution for weight loss but can be helpful for people who are worried about the appearance of their stomach. A consultation is important to discuss goals, options and risks with your plastic surgeon. Recovery time after a tummy tuck can be up to a couple of months and there is a risk of complications.

What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about tummy tuck surgery? To prepare for the consultation, you should write down your symptoms and health history, as well as create a list of questions to ask. Also bring your medical records and a friend for support. Questions to ask your plastic surgeon may include information about treatment options, expected results and possible risks.

Suggestions for questions to ask your plastic surgeon:

  • Are you a good candidate?
  • What is expected of you for the best results?
  • How should your tummy tuck be performed?
  • Which technique is recommended for you?
  • Recovery and help during the time
  • Risks and complications with your tummy tuck
  • How are any complications handled?
  • What can you expect from your appearance over time?
  • Alternatives if you are unhappy with the cosmetic result
  • Photos to look at and reasonable results

Questions to ask about your recovery:

  • Where should you be taken after surgery?
  • What medication will you receive?
  • Bandage and dressing
  • When are the stitches removed?
  • When can you bathe?
  • Wear the belt for how long?
  • Sick leave and return to normal activity
  • When should you come back for a check-up?

What are the risks with a tummy tuck?

The decision to undergo tummy tuck surgery is extremely personal. You need to think about whether the benefits compared to the risks and potential complications of the operation are acceptable.

  • Anaesthetic risks
  • Asymmetry
  • Bleeding
  • Deep vein thrombosis, heart and lung complications
  • Fat necrosis
  • Fluid accumulation Infection
  • Numbness or changes in skin sensation
  • Persistent pain
  • Poor wound healing
  • Possibility of revision surgery
  • Recurring looseness of the skin
  • Discolouration and swelling
  • Skin loss
  • Suboptimal aesthetic result
  • Unfavourable scarring

It is important to discuss all your questions and risks with your plastic surgeon before surgery.

Preparations for a tummy tuck To prepare for a tummy tuck, you can expect to:

  • Undergo a medical evaluation and take tests
  • Change your medication or start taking certain medications
  • Quit smoking. It is known that smokers have a greater risk of complications. In a tummy tuck, it is extremely important to have stopped smoking at least 1 month before and at least 1 month after the operation. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and then the operated area cannot get enough blood supply to heal. This carries a greater risk of tissue necrosis (tissue death). Healing can then take several months extra and you may have to walk with an open wound on your stomach that needs to be changed perhaps several times a day (around the clock).
  • Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that can increase bleeding. You will also receive written instructions on:

What to do on the day of surgery Postoperative care and follow-up It is important that you have someone who can pick you up after the operation and stay with you the first night.

Tummy tuck – How does it work? A tummy tuck surgery involves the following steps:

Step 1: Anaesthesia Medication is administered to ensure your comfort during surgery.

Step 2: Incision A full tummy tuck requires a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and navel. The shape and length of the incision are determined by the amount of excess skin. When the abdominal skin has been lifted, the underlying abdominal muscles will be repaired. An additional incision around the navel may be required to remove the excess skin in the upper abdomen. The skin is pulled down like a window shade, the excess skin is trimmed and the remaining skin is stitched together. A new opening for the navel is created and it is stitched back in place.

Step 3: Closing the incision. Sutures, tape or clips are used to close the skin incision.

Step 4: See the results Your tummy tuck results in a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is more proportional to your body type and weight.

Tummy Tuck Surgery is performed under anaesthesia (you will be asleep) and takes approximately 1-2 hours for the smaller operation and 2-4 hours for the larger one. The incision is made from hip to hip in the form of a low bikini cut. The skin and tissue are separated from the muscles, with the smaller operation up to the navel and with the larger around the navel and up to the rib cage. The abdominal muscles are tightened through suturing. The stomach becomes flatter and the waist slimmer, excess skin is removed, and the navel gets a new “hole”. The suturing is done in several layers with body’s own stitches, which will be absorbed by the body. You do not need to remove any stitches, but the plastic surgeon removes some knots after about 2 weeks. Drainage tubes to divert wound fluid and blood may sometimes be needed and can remain in place for a day. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform liposuction of the hips and waist in conjunction with the operation for the best result. The scars are taped and you are given compresses and a girdle as a bandage. You can expect swelling and bruising for the first few days after the operation, as well as pain. Discuss with your plastic surgeon regarding pain medication. Most patients stay one night at the clinic after the operation.

What can I expect during my recovery after a tummy tuck?

After your tummy tuck surgery, you will have a bandage on the incisions and a girdle or compression garments to reduce swelling and support the abdomen during the healing process. Small tubes may temporarily be placed under the skin to remove any excess blood or fluid.

You will also receive specific instructions, including:

  • How to care for the surgical area and any drainage.
  • Pain relief and medication to minimise the risk of infection.
  • Special things to be aware of.
  • Where to turn in emergencies.

Results of a tummy tuck?
After a tummy tuck operation, you can expect a flatter and firmer abdominal contour that is more proportional to your body type and weight. During the first week or two, it may be difficult to see the finished results due to swelling and your inability to stand upright.

Scarring after the tummy tuck can take several months to a year to fade. Women who have undergone a Caesarean section may have joined scars, but it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions for the best results.

No Guarantees
It is important to note that there are no guarantees for optimal results and that a complementary operation may be necessary in some situations.

Doctor’s Advice
Following the doctor’s instructions is crucial for your tummy tuck to be successful. The doctor will give you specific instructions on how to take care of yourself during the healing period to avoid excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or movement on surgical cuts.

What is the expected recovery after a tummy tuck?
The recovery time after a tummy tuck varies from person to person and depends on the extent of your surgery. You can expect to have pain, swelling, and sensitivity in the treated area for a few weeks. You will also need to wear a supportive bandage or girdle to facilitate recovery and help keep your new shape in place.

You will be given a girdle to be worn around the clock for the first month then an additional month during the daytime. Feel free to buy an extra girdle so that you can change it during washing. You can shower after the first follow-up visit.

Avoid bathing or using a sauna for a few months. Have 1-2 pillows under your knees when resting or sleeping to relieve the tightness in the scar. You will not be able to straighten up properly the first two weeks, which is completely normal. It is important that you move around to increase blood circulation in your legs. Do not exercise for the first month, nor lift anything heavy (more than one kilo per arm) during that time. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid tobacco and alcohol. Healing takes time. Be patient. Do not sunbathe, either outside or in a solarium on the scar for at least 6 months. Tape the scars for 3-6 months for the best results, your surgeon will show you how to do it.

You should plan to take time off from work and activities that require physical exertion for a few weeks after your tummy tuck. You should avoid bending, lifting heavy objects, or doing any other physical activities that could harm your incision areas or weaknesses in your muscles.

Most people can return to work after 2-3 weeks. You will be tender and swollen for several months, the sensation in the skin will slowly return, scars fade over time but it can take up to 1 year before it is fully healed. Sometimes the patient loses a lot of weight after the operation, often because they change their diet and move more. It can then happen that dog ears occur in connection with the scar, these can be corrected after at least 1 year.

Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on what you can and cannot do during your recovery. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible results and avoid complications.

Remember that a tummy tuck is a major operation and it is important to give your body enough time to heal and recover. Consultation with your plastic surgeon and following their instructions are crucial to ensuring a successful recovery and the best possible results.