Wrinkle Treatment – Stockholm (Bot-x, vist-bel)

A popular cosmetic procedure that uses a substance known to temporarily reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face, including crow’s feet, forehead creases, and lip lines.
(According to Google, one must not use medical names for fillers, hence other words for characteristics)

This substance is a purified form of a protein derived from bacteria, and its injections block nerve signals to the muscle where it is injected. This results in a temporary reduction of unwanted facial wrinkles or appearance. The most common injection areas include wrinkles, forehead creases, and crow’s feet near the eyes, and approved types of this protein include a well-known brand.

This wrinkle treatment can be combined with other cosmetic skin procedures such as chemical peels, laser treatments, dermal fillers, or microdermabrasion to enhance results and even prevent the formation of new lines and wrinkles.

Almost all facial movements can lead to wrinkles and fine lines over time, which can make you look tired or angry even if you are not. This wrinkle treatment is one of the quickest and safest solutions to remove these signs of aging.

During a consultation for wrinkle treatment injections, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your health and medical history, discuss your goals and potential outcomes, and inform you about any risks or complications. It is also important to discuss your current medications, vitamins, supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

Wrinkle treatment injections are minimally invasive and administered by a plastic surgeon. It is important to ask questions and understand all aspects of the procedure to ensure optimal results.

What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about wrinkle treatment injections?

Prepare for the consultation by:

Writing down all your symptoms with timeline, medications, and health history, so you can systematically talk about your problems.
Writing a list of your questions.
Informing about your health and any health issues.
Asking questions and demanding answers.
Reading your medical records and bringing a copy or asking for access to them.
Bringing a friend for support.

Suggested questions to ask:

Use these questions as a guide during your consultation:

Am I a good candidate for wrinkle treatment?
What is expected of me to get the best results?
Who will perform the wrinkle treatment injections?
Have they been specially trained in this procedure?
Where and how will you perform my procedure or treatment?
What recovery period can I expect?
What are the risks and potential complications associated with my procedure?
How can I expect to look over time?
Do you have before and after pictures I can look at for this procedure?
What results are reasonable for me?
Be sure to ask specific questions to your plastic surgeon about what you can expect after the treatment.

What are the risks of wrinkle treatment injections?
You can resume activities such as exercise, sports, etc., as soon as the effect is visible.

A warning: Do not rub or massage the treated areas after the wrinkle treatment as it can cause the active substance to migrate to another area of the face. If this happens, you may experience temporary facial weakness or drooping.

Although generally safe, side effects and complications can include:

Bruising and pain at the injection site
Flu-like symptoms
Temporary facial weakness or drooping
It is highly unlikely that the active substance can spread beyond the treatment area, causing botulism-like signs and symptoms such as breathing difficulties, sewing problems, muscle weakness, and slurred speech.

What are the steps for wrinkle treatment injections?
Injections of this substance may seem like a simple procedure for you, as it is just a few pricks. But it is actually both an art and science that only experienced healthcare personnel should perform.

There are 43 muscles in the face and it is important that the person performing wrinkle treatment injections understands and points out the right spots to optimize your treatment.

A very thin needle is used to inject small amounts of the active substance into specific muscles. By carefully choosing specific muscles, your caregiver only weakens the wrinkle-producing muscles, preserving your natural facial expressions.

Wrinkle treatment injections typically take less than 15 minutes.

The number of injections you need depends on your facial features and the extent of your wrinkles. Crow’s feet, for example, usually require two to three injections. Furrows above the eyebrow may take five or more.

What can I expect after wrinkle treatment injections?
You may notice results within a few days, but it can take up to a week to see the full effect. This improvement usually lasts about three to four months.

When the effects of the wrinkle treatment begin to fade, your muscle reactions and wrinkles will return. To maintain the result, you may need to repeat the treatment periodically.

Remember, it is important to have realistic expectations about what wrinkle treatment injections can achieve and that the outcome can vary between individuals. Discuss with your plastic surgeon what results are realistic for you and how you can best achieve your aesthetic goals.